Test Potentiated Learning

Although many think of the test as an assessment tool, it can enhance learning. Specifically, taking tests on previously learned materials can enhance new learning. I research (1) why and how tests can promote new learning and (2) if the testing benefit can be extended in applied settings such as distracting online environments.

Online Exam

Due to Covid 19, many courses switched online, and students had to take online exams. But instructors often assume rampant cheating in online exams (because basically, it is an open-book exam) and are concerned with the diagnosticity of online exams. Currently, I’m investigating if online exams can provide a meaningful assessment as in-person exams.

Online Lectures

I’m interested in factors that affect students learning in online lectures. Specifically, I’m investigating how instructors’ (1) face and (2) speaking speed influence students’ engagement and test outcomes.

Metacognition and Learning Strategies

I believe that metacognition is really important for students learning. Specifically, knowing which learning strategies are effective and which are not is important. For my master’s thesis, I investigated metacognitive awareness and preference for effective learning strategies in undergraduate students.